Here are answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our customers.
It is prohibited to ship:
Guns, knives, or any other object that may put their own or others' safety in danger;
Articles of exceptional value (eg: works of art, antiques, precious stones, gold and silver, money, jewelry);
Perishable and not properly packaged food;
Tobacco and tobacco products;
Objects prohibited on destination due of their nature.
If you have any doubts about shipments regulations, please Contact Us.
You can select the insurance option during the purchase.
Additional costs may apply, such as storage costs or out-of-gauge packaging. They may vary depending on the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of each carrier.
It is possible to request the cancellation of the order at no additional cost, as long as it has not been collected yet. If the shipping label has been released, you can request the cancellation to our customer service team who will handle it within 24 to 48 hours.
There are some areas where delivery is not expected every day (remote areas) or are difficult to access (difficult areas); for those destinations, there are no express shipments and transit times could be at least 48 hours longer. The list of these locations varies from carrier to carrier, but in general it may include mountain areas and islands.
For B2B SHIPMENTS in the UK, you need to have your own EORI number and the UK company's EORI
number, as well as the free export declaration required for all exports outside the European
Union. FOR e-commerce B2C SHIPMENTS, you need to be LICENSED exporter with the UK customs authorities
(for more information click here) or provide your
EORI number and the customer's tax identification number.
If it is C2C SHIPMENT, you only need to provide the social security numbers of both the sender and the
receiver. As for all exports, we will take care of the customs documentation.
Please contact our consultants for more information.
WE PROVIDE warehouses to store any merchandise from where you can also manage triangulated shipments, to and from any address. If your merchandise is at a supplier's facility, you can request a collection, even if they are miles away.
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